Freeze Ride

Alice's Restaurant 17288 Skyline Blvd, Woodside, CA, United States

This is a destination ride, meet in the parking lot at 10:30.

Freeze Ride

Alice's Restaurant 17288 Skyline Blvd, Woodside, CA, United States

Meet at Alice's 11 AM,  ride after brunch, weather permitting. Alt. rain day is Jan 21.

Gilroy Wildflower Ride

Parking Lot 165 Los Gatos Saratoga Rd, Los Gatos, CA, United States

RL: Art Meet at 10:00 am at the parking lot outside the Hercules Cantina, 165 Saratoga-Los Gatos Rd, Los Gatos, CA. Ride green - it's St Patrick's Day! KSU: 10:30 am. Route TBD.

Delta Ride

Carl’s Jr 915 Main St, Oakley, CA, United States

RL: Ride Leader Needed. Depart at 10:30 AM. Meet at Carl’s Jr parking lot.

Mount Hamilton Ride

Tom & Liz 730 Linda Flora Ave, San Jose, CA, United States

RL: Ride Leader Needed.

INOA NorEast Rally

Lincoln/Woodstock KOA 1000 East Side Rd, Rt 17, Woodstock, NH, United States